Pool Plaster Colors – How to Choose the Right One in 2023?

Are you considering giving your swimming pool a makeover? Does it need repairs or perhaps just a fresh new look? If so, one of the key decisions you’ll need to make is choosing the right color for your swimming pool plaster. It’s not an easy task, but with some careful research and consideration, you can find the perfect hue that will give your backyard oasis its own unique identity.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how to pick out just the right pool plaster colors for your property. We’ll explore various color choices as well as considerations such as contrast and personal style preferences to help you decide what’s best for your poolscape situation. So let’s get started on selecting those magical colors!

Why Do Pool Plaster Colors Matter?

Selecting the right pool plaster color for your swimming pool is crucial to its overall appearance. The wrong color can stand out like a sore thumb and take away from the beauty of your backyard oasis. Choosing the perfect hue also helps create depth and sparkle in the water, giving it a sparkling quality that sunlight reflects off of. Plus, darker shades do an excellent job of masking dirt, helping keep algae growth in check and making maintenance easier. In short, the right plaster choice can have both visual appeal and practical benefits.

Understand the Differences Between Plaster and Other Pool Finishes

Swimming pools are welcoming, inviting spaces that add a level of luxury to any home and can provide endless hours of family fun. To ensure their pool is luxurious and long-lasting, homeowners must understand the differences between plaster and other pool finishes like tile, aggregate, painted surfaces, and quartz. Plaster provides a smooth surface to swim on and is less expensive than some other options. But it can become rough over time making it harder to maintain cleanliness.

Meanwhile, other finishes like aggregate are non-porous and resist algae growth, but require professional installation for best results. Tile or quartz add a special look to your pool when compared to plaster, but come at a higher cost. Before selecting their finish type, homeowners should consider how long they intend to use the pool as well as their budget – because choosing the right one will help keep their swimming pool in great condition for years.

How to Choose the Right Pool Plaster Color?

Choosing the right plaster color for your pool can be a difficult decision. After all, you want your pool to be visually stunning, but also to match the rest of the landscape or backyard decor. There are numerous unique plaster color options available, so researching what each one looks like is essential before decision time.

When deciding on a plaster color, it’s good to take into consideration any existing features such as plants, furniture, and general landscaping. Besides taking its surroundings into account, it’s important to keep in mind the overall look you’re going for – whether that be warm and earthy tones or cool & modern shades of blue and gray. The great thing about pools is that you can get creative & mix different plaster colors for something unique. It all comes down to personal preference in the end!

How to Use Pool Plaster Colors to Create a Certain Look

Pool plaster colors provide homeowners with a great opportunity to customize the look of their swimming pool. By selecting the right colors, they can create an inviting atmosphere that matches and enhances their home’s décor. Plaster colors are available to suit any taste, ranging from dramatic jewel tones to classical neutrals. When designing a new pool or replacing existing plaster, it is important to remember that eye-catching accents like mosaics and tile can be enhanced with complementary plaster colors.

Whether you want a modern look or a tropical paradise in your backyard, it is easy to find the perfect shades for expressing your style. With so many varieties of pool plaster colors available, there is no need to settle for a plain white finish—you can use these shades as inspiration when planning your dream poolscape!

Top Pool Plaster Color Trends for 2023

Pool plaster colors are trending in a variety of directions.

  • Blue and green hues remain popular as they evoke a sense of serenity, while brighter colors such as pink and yellow bring energy to any poolscape.
  • Darker shades like navy and charcoal can create dramatic contrast when paired with lighter tones or used to add depth to textured finishes.
  • The rise of naturalistic designs has inspired homeowners to choose plaster colors that mimic earthy tones, such as sandy beiges and warm terra cottas.

When it comes to choosing the right pool plaster color for your home, take a look at some of the latest trends and find one that speaks to you!

Top Pool Plaster Color Trends for 2023

How to Care for Pool Plaster Colors?

Pool plaster colors require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. It is important to brush, vacuum, and balance the chemicals in your pool every week. Doing so will help prevent algae growth, which can discolor or stain the pool surface over time.

Additionally, during warmer months you should use a cover to protect against UV rays and excessive chlorine. For deeper cleaning, it is recommended to use a pressure washer or other cleaning solution specific for pool plaster colors.

The right pool plaster color has the power to transform any backyard into a luxurious oasis. By taking proper care of your pool, you will be able to enjoy its aesthetic beauty for years to come.

How to Repair Pool Plaster?

Pool plaster can become damaged due to extreme weather conditions, improper maintenance, and general wear and tear. To repair your pool plaster, the first step is to identify the cause of the damage. If it is a small crack or chip, you may be able to patch it up with plaster mix from a hardware store.

However, if the damage is more extensive you will need to hire a professional for major repairs. Depending on the severity of the fix, this could involve draining your pool and resurfacing it with new plaster or repairing any broken pipes that could be affecting it. Proper care and maintenance should always be taken into consideration when dealing with pool repairs as even minor fixes can become costly if not attended to quickly!

Remember: Pool plaster colors are a great way to add personality and style to your poolscape. Whether you choose classic neutrals, daring jewel tones, or earthy hues, there is something for everyone. Be sure to maintain your pool regularly and make any repairs right away to keep it looking its best! This will help ensure that your pool stays beautiful for years to come. With the right care and maintenance, you can enjoy a luxurious swimming experience with the perfect color scheme. Good luck!

The Benefits of Colored Pool Plaster

Colored pool plaster is a great way to add character and style to your backyard oasis. Not only can it help create a unique visual, but it also offers many practical benefits.

  1. For starters, colored plaster reflects more light than white finishes, making it easier to spot any debris or dirt floating on the surface of the water.
  2. In addition, colored plaster provides extra UV protection against fading due to sunlight exposure.
  3. Lastly, darker colors tend to absorb heat more efficiently than lighter shades, which can make for a comfortable swimming experience during cooler months.

With all these advantages in mind, you can easily understand why many homeowners are turning to colored pool plaster for their next remodel!

So there you have it—the best information on choosing and caring for pool plaster colors. With the right care, your pool can look great and last you years to come! Whether you’re opting for a classic neutral or an eye-catching jewel tone, be sure to assess all of your options before making a decision.

The Drawbacks of Colored Pool Plaster

While colored pool plaster can add charm and personality to your backyard, it does have some drawbacks.

  1. For starters, darker colors tend to absorb more heat than lighter ones, which can put a strain on filtration systems and lead to higher energy bills.
  2. Additionally, colored plaster can be difficult to match if repairs or renovations are needed in the future.
  3. Lastly—while not necessarily a downside—be sure that you assess how vibrant of a hue you want as some pigments may appear differently under different light sources.

Ultimately, considering all these factors is essential when considering colored pool plaster for your home. With proper research and care, you will find the perfect choice for your lifestyle! Good luck!


What Are the Most Common Pool Plaster Colors?

The most common pool plaster colors are white, gray, and light blue. However, there are many other colors available, such as black, green, tan, and red.

Can Pool Plaster Colors Fade Over Time?

Yes, pool plaster colors can fade over time due to exposure to sunlight, chemicals, and other environmental factors. However, some pool plaster colors are more resistant to fading than others.

Can Pool Plaster Colors Fade Over Time?

Yes, you can change the color of your pool plaster when you resurface or remodel your pool. This is a great way to give your pool a fresh and updated look.

How Do I Choose the Right Pool Plaster Color for My Pool?

When choosing a pool plaster color, consider factors such as the style and color of your home, the landscaping around your pool, and your personal preferences. It’s also a good idea to look at samples of different colors in different lighting conditions to get a better idea of how they will look in your pool.

Are There Any Maintenance Requirements for Pool Plaster Colors?

Yes, pool plaster colors require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. This includes regularly brushing and vacuuming the pool, balancing the water chemistry, and avoiding the use of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools.

How Long Does Pool Plaster Last?

The lifespan of pool plaster can vary depending on factors such as the quality of the plaster, the level of maintenance, and the frequency of use. On average, pool plaster can last between 7 to 15 years.

Can I Use Pool Plaster Colors in My Hot Tub or Spa?

Yes, pool plaster colors can be used in hot tubs and spas as well as swimming pools. Just make sure to choose a plaster mix that is specifically designed for use in these types of environments.

How Much Does It Cost to Install Pool Plaster Colors?

The cost of installing pool plaster colors can vary depending on factors such as the size of the pool, the type of plaster used, and the complexity of the installation. On average, expect to pay between $5 to $10 per square foot for pool plaster installation.


Colored pool plaster is a great way to add personality and style to your backyard oasis. With the right research and care, you can easily find the perfect hue for your home and be able to enjoy its aesthetic beauty for years to come. However, some drawbacks should be taken into consideration before committing to colored plaster. These include higher energy bills due to dark colors absorbing more heat, difficulty matching colors in the future, and color differences under different light sources. No matter what option you choose, proper maintenance and care are essential for keeping your pool looking great. Thanks for reading—we hope this article was helpful!


  1. Pebble Technology International: https://www.pebbletec.com/pool-finishes/
  2. National Pool Tile: https://www.nptpool.com/products/finishes/
  3. Houzz: https://www.houzz.com/pool-plaster-colors

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